David Walker

Articles by David Walker

  • Suncorp doubles real assets exposure in December half-year

    08 February 2023

    Investment income rockets in part thanks to linkers

  • Comment: Time to rethink Solvency II and capital charging 'liquidity risk'?

    07 February 2023

    Is a different capital charge justified if a fund's redemption terms prevent one insurer encashing its investments compared to a directly-invested rival?

  • Solvency II capital benefit from diversification grows 14.4% at 56 groups, in 2021

    07 February 2023

    But market SCR of the cohort grows faster, Insurance Risk Data finds

  • Comment - Is Australia on the verge of needing large ranks of CIOS?

    03 February 2023

    If hard-to-insure communities turn to mutuals as climate change intensifies losses, as private sector property insurers 'run from the hills', CIOs are going to be in demand

  • Chart of the Week - Post-Brexit UK attracts under 3% of Europe's GA

    03 February 2023

    EIOPA reveals direct UK exposure of EEA insurers' GAs at second lowest point since Q4 2017

  • HANSAINVEST invests €50m in Poland's solar parks

    03 February 2023

    Affiliated manager already runs nearly €2bn of infrastructure allocations

  • UK and Swedish groups pay highest undiversified capital charge, new analysis finds

    03 February 2023

    Insurance Risk Data calculated figures using Solvency II capital data before diversification accounted for

  • Comment - As Blackstone helps Clive Cowdery invest, watch Resolution Life's market risk

    25 January 2023

    Blackstone's existing portfolio for Bermudian Harrington Re suggests a very active approach to origination and reallocation of GA

  • Nippon Life invests extra $1bn into Resolution Life

    25 January 2023

    Brings Japanese life firm's total investment in Clive Cowdery's consolidator to $1.65bn

  • Comment - Staggering admission on outsourcing fees by Bermuda's insurers

    24 January 2023

    Rates and structures of fees Bermuda's insurers pay their chosen outsourcing partners revealed