David Walker

Articles by David Walker

  • French mutual's SFCR asks, 'whither our GA, if teleworking triggers a mental-health breakdown?'

    18 July 2023

    Underwriters also question restorative firepower and readiness, of central banks

  • French insurer reveals solvency ratio benefit from equity hedging

    18 July 2023

    Total return swap limited damage from falling markets in 2022

  • German insurer cites infrastructure investments for plunging equity SCR

    17 July 2023

    Part of analysis of over European 100 groups' market risk capital requirements since 2016

  • Comment - CIOs may feel the heat from health claims, as disastrous summer-furnaces intensify

    17 July 2023

    Climate change is not just about having GA liquidity to rebuild property - mortal risk is rising, too

  • Croatian currency SCRs vanished as country joined euro

    17 July 2023

    Some insurers took advantage of assured conversion rates to calculate a nil FX risk, SFCRs show

  • Singapore regulator wants better-informed local investors to grow region's ILS market

    14 July 2023

    Better catastrophe data also necessary to help model and understand risks, says MAS

  • Chart of the week -what equity sectors cause, and get hit by, crises and contagion?

    14 July 2023

    Researchers in Brazil analyse US markets from sub-prime to the COVID-19, via the 'Trump-effect'. They tell David Walker which sectors fared worst as Donald Trump rose to power? Was the AIG bail-out 'worth it'? And when it comes to crisis, 'will markets ever learn'?

  • French and Dutch insurers using standard formula plough own furrow with GA capital charges

    13 July 2023

    Aesio Mutuelle and ASR Schade apply modified property charges

  • Regulatory intervention still possible as Australian climate reporting unfolds

    12 July 2023

    Taylor Fry warns insurers

  • Actuaries give cautious welcome to Whitehall's private assets push

    12 July 2023

    Chancellor of Exchequer wants institutions to buy more into unlisted companies