David Walker

Articles by David Walker

  • Chart of the Week - Breakdown of market risk SCR of AEMA group subsidiaries, 2022 (%)

    28 July 2023

    A 'group market risk SCR' can mask very divergent risk-taking at subsidiaries

  • Differing readings of IFRS risk creating a "Tower of Babel" for insurers, Compensa Life says

    27 July 2023

    Same contract can be classed as life or unit-linked, depending on underwriter's interpretation

  • Robert Oppenheimer's world already being used in investment optimisation, German actuaries say

    26 July 2023

    Nexinsur says similar maths that quantum computing uses to optimise portfolios helps investigate energy in atomic systems

  • IVASS admits Eurovita rescue talks were "long, and not easy"

    25 July 2023

    Rescuers "acted in awareness of their own interest", IVASS president says

  • UnipolSai unit has one-third of investments in BTPs

    24 July 2023

    And making 2.1% more on investment than life policies promise

  • Comment - When non-life insurance policies become long-term costs, for general insurers

    21 July 2023

    A few weeks ago we asked, half-jokingly, what investments could a CIO possibly use, for a life policy bought by Dorian Gray, the character of Oscar Wilde's imagination who trades his soul for eternal life (and youth)?

  • Chart of the Week - SFCRs as EIOPA's answer to the 'Barbenheimer dilemma'

    21 July 2023

    SFCRs will tell you if market crashes hurt insurers' solvency more than pandemics - but not whether to watch Robert Oppenheimer or Margot Robbie...

  • Brussels' Solvency II reform hits German life firm's solvency only 60% as hard as Putin's war, SFCR finds

    20 July 2023

    IDEAL Leben stress-tests Solvency II reform, Vladimir Putin's bellicosity, property values and climate change

  • Comment - Brussels sprouts green proposals for Solvency II reform

    19 July 2023

    Brussels vote bets almost all chips on 'green' - and implies insurers should do the same

  • Ortec builds out climate and ESG team for CIOs

    19 July 2023

    Andrew Flynn joining from Clarity AI