David Walker

Articles by David Walker

  • Chart of the Week - How will outsourcing fare during Gothaer's and Barmenia's planned merger?

    20 October 2023

    Gothaer and Barmenia have over 30 investment delegations between them. As M&A approaches, a lot of asset managers will be holding their breath

  • Gothaer strikes €20m sustainable venture capital outsourcing deal

    19 October 2023

    Fate of at least 22 independent managers' delegations unclear as insurer seeks M&A with Barmenia

  • Which country gives CIOs the most risk capital to invest GAs?

    17 October 2023

    Insurance Risk Data delivers unexpected finding on CIO investment risk-taking

  • Cash is king again some CIOs say, as banks actually pay insurers interest

    17 October 2023

    Solvency reports reveal celebrations as CIOs earn interest in banks

  • Allianz adds €500m to GA in Italian non-life acquisition

    13 October 2023

    Tua Assicurazioni CIO's investment risk appetite resembled some Italian units Allianz holds

  • KBC Insurance and EIB issue call-out for climate infra fund managers

    13 October 2023

    Belgian underwriter earmarks up to €200m for outsourcing

  • Chart of the Week - in which we reveal what share of the 'UK GA' is in the 'UK MA'

    13 October 2023

    Insurance Risk Data, and the PRA, uncover how much of the UK general account is being run in matching adjustment portfolios

  • 1,042 managers earning from Europe's insurance outsourcing

    12 October 2023

    Insurance Risk Data's annual outsourcing report reveals breadth of delegations by CIOs

  • UK lifers had combined MA worth £290bn in 2022

    11 October 2023

    Analysis by Insurance Risk Data reveals over one-third of UK lifers' GAs are involved in MA programmes

  • Insurance Risk Data launches sixth annual insurer outsourcing report

    10 October 2023

    Insurance Investment Outsourcing Opportunities - EEA, UK and Switzerland, 2024 has 350 pages of commercially valuable analysis and data