David Walker

Articles by David Walker

  • Korea Post Insurance seeking manager for private equity/debt fund of funds

    16 January 2024

    Insurer is no stranger to alternative assets and FoFs

  • MAIF Vie improves net returns on responsible investments by 0.4% in 2023

    15 January 2024

    French firm lists out ESG expectations for outsourcing work

  • India makes infra debt funds more attractive for insurers

    15 January 2024

    India makes infra debt funds more attractive for insurers

  • Chart of the Week - Liz Truss breathes easy, as Rishi Sunak takes the reins of UK political investment risk

    12 January 2024

    CIOs go 'risk-on' for 'other' category sovereigns, as elections loom in 64 nations behind 40% of global GDP, in 2024

  • Aviva Investors insurer is one of just seven building solvency every year under Solvency II

    08 January 2024

    Insurance Risk Data analysed 974 undertakings' solvency data since 2016

  • Comment - How life insurers might respond to the IMF on private equity risks

    08 January 2024

    The IMF listed various risks of growing PE involvement in the re/insurance industry

  • Comment - BTPs remain the 'dagger to the heart' of Italian CIOs

    05 January 2024

    Life CIOs have scythed local debt exposures, but Ivass data shows the wild ride they still underwent in 2021/2022

  • Fitch expects GA returns to support Sumitomo Life during M&As

    05 January 2024

    Sumitomo is buying Singapore Life entirely, including S$14.4bn assets

  • Chart of the New Year - Where Europe's CIOs choose to invest GAs in funds

    05 January 2024

    If you want to launch a fund for a European GA, you could do worse than using Germany, France or Luxembourg...

  • Market share of UK lifers in pension risk transfer market revealed

    04 January 2024

    Fitch expects no let-up in annuity writers' hunger for illiquids in 2024