David Walker

Articles by David Walker

  • Baloise acquires Swiss real-estate firm

    06 January 2017

    Pax Anlage chosen for attractive returns amid negative interest rates

  • Israeli government said to oppose Chinese insurance acquisitions

    06 January 2017

    Lack of investment track record cited

  • How to win mandates and influence asset allocation

    04 January 2017

    As the largest institutional investors in Europe, insurers represent a major market for asset managers, but they also bring Solvency II-shaped baggage. In this Q&A, Erik Vynckier breaks down the building blocks to winning the custom of European insurers

  • Japanese regulator reveals signatories to local investment code

    29 December 2016

    Insurers still lag pensions as asset owner adherents

  • Mitsui Sumitomo pulls out of Sinatay Life

    28 December 2016

    Japanese insurer said to be at odds with Sinatay's real estate investment plans

  • China regulator to tighten equity investment rules

    23 December 2016

    CIRC move follows bans for some fast-trading insurers

  • German insurers grew investments by 4% in 2015

    20 December 2016

    BaFin data shows investment funds the big winners

  • Dutch mortgages a €100bn opportunity for insurance sector

    14 December 2016

    Industry will need more non-core investments to boost returns, regulator says

  • Invesco targets insurer needs with hire from JPMAM

    12 December 2016

    Managers must be partners to underwriters, Invesco says

  • Allianz subsidiaries jump at private market fixed income

    09 December 2016

    Two tie-ups in a week for Pimco and AllianzGI, as private credit offers "super-secular opportunity"