David Walker

Articles by David Walker

  • Partner Re's equity-like investments leap in 2017 ahead of possible equity market fall

    14 March 2018

    Partner Re saw its investment results jump from $414m in 2016 to $720m last year, thanks to rising share markets and price increases as spreads in fixed income tightened.

  • Hannover Re attributes record investment result to sale of listed equities

    13 March 2018

    Overall return of 3.8% helped by private equity portfolio

  • French insurers welcome EC sustainable investment proposals

    12 March 2018

    "FFA joins growing support for EC paper"

  • Aviva tells affiliate manager to find more illiquid investments

    08 March 2018

    Aviva has put finding more external business and more illiquid assets on this year's agenda for its affiliate manager, Aviva Investors.

  • LGIM falls just shy of £1tn asset mark

    07 March 2018

    Sees record third-party subscriptions for 2017

  • Helvetia favours fixed income, but sees outperformance in equity in 2017

    06 March 2018

    Swiss insurer Helvetia invested mainly in European bonds, US credit and treasuries for its new investments last year as its portfolio returned CHF1.3bn, or 2.8% for 2017.

  • Axa and XL set to create $750bn combined investment pot

    05 March 2018

    But fate of which affiliate gets what, remains unclear

  • German insurers call for better data and definitions to encourage ESG investing

    02 March 2018

    German insurers are holding back from environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing because of a lack of uniform definitions and comparable data, their trade body says.

  • Uniqa promises to fix deteriorating investment result

    28 February 2018

    Low rates largely reflected in previous years' declines, Austrian company claims

  • Swiss Life still hungry for yield of property investments

    27 February 2018

    The benefits of property investments more than compensated for the high costs of servicing them in 2017, says Swiss Life, which raised exposure in its general account from 16.4% to 18%.