David Walker

Articles by David Walker

  • Provinzial NordWest subsidiaries add third equities strategy

    29 May 2018

    SFCRs show divergent allocation tastes within group

  • QBE commits A$100m to impact investing

    21 May 2018

    Wishes of millennials help guide decision

  • Prudential reveals jump in investment risks in 2017

    17 May 2018

    Investment management fees rose, too, SFCR says

  • NN to divest tobacco investments

    17 May 2018

    No longer fits with responsible investment approach, says CIO

  • Sustainable assets do not equal low-risk, warns German regulator

    03 May 2018

    BaFin cautions against ESA review creating “bureaucratic monster”

  • PRA to review life insurers' risk taking in "complex" illiquid investments

    09 April 2018

    A lack of external credit ratings and observable market prices makes it difficult to assess insurers' risk-taking in increasingly popular illiquid asset classes, according to the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA).

  • Swiss Re US earnings face volatility from GAAP accounting change

    04 April 2018

    Swiss Re has warned investors that new US accounting methods for equity and some alternative investments could lead to greater volatility in its US earnings when stock markets fluctuate.

  • BaFin issues blunt warning on infrastructure investments

    03 April 2018

    Germany's insurance regulator has warned underwriters against making infrastructure investments unless they fully grasp the "high complexity and heterogeneity" of the popular asset class.

  • Equity volatility: how safe is your portfolio?

    19 March 2018

    Equity volatility is back. After a muted 2017, things went a little haywire for equities in February. But are these tremors or the start of something bigger? And how should insurers react? By David Walker

  • Talanx equity sales help feed life reserve fund

    19 March 2018

    Talanx posted an 11.3% rise in income from investments in 2017 and crystallised gains—largely on its shareholdings—to help feed the mandatory reserve fund for its life business.