David Walker

Articles by David Walker

  • Munich Re slows gainful investment sales for ZZR

    06 February 2019

    The mandatory interest reserve, or ZZR, obligation applies to the Ergo Lebensversicherung primary life insurance unit

  • Finland’s Varma tightens screws on coal industry

    01 February 2019

    Insurer puts added emphasis on climate change mitigation in the latest update of its responsible investment principles

  • China Life blames equities for expected 70% profit slump

    30 January 2019

    Both volatility and falls played their part, insurer says

  • China's insurers will ignore regulatory investment pressure, says Fitch

    30 January 2019

    Agency expects other considerations to keep guiding investments

  • Falling investments dent Tryg solvency ratio

    22 January 2019

    Equities fell by 11% in 2018, Danish insurer reveals

  • QBE sets impact investing target at $1bn

    18 January 2019

    Goal is three times higher than previous minimum commitment

  • German insurance trade body warns of Brexit threat to bond yields

    16 January 2019

    Brexit no surprise, but 'hard to digest' for financial markets

  • Aberdeen Standard Investments buys into Singapore Life

    16 January 2019

    Martin Gilbert calls underwriter a "next generation" life insurer

  • Insurers to slug it out with fire victims in Californian bankruptcy

    15 January 2019

    One in 10 US insurers hold bonds of PG&E, sunk by Camp wildfire liabilities

  • 40% of insurers grew Solvency II investment risk in 2017

    11 January 2019

    According to research by Insurance Risk Data