David Walker

Articles by David Walker

  • Small German insurers expand alternatives expertise, BaFin finds

    26 February 2019

    The industry turned over more than 10% of investments in hunt for yield in 2018

  • QBE boosts investment goal after "hitting bottom" end of target in 2018

    25 February 2019

    Australian group also flags growing risk assets

  • Axa reveals extent of investment margin on new and existing business

    22 February 2019

    Both gaps show a "significant buffer" between yield and promise for French giant

  • Debeka taps investment portfolio to cover policy payouts

    19 February 2019

    German insurer's asset manager considering investing in stock markets for customers

  • Aberdeen Standard Investments buys Asian property boutique

    18 February 2019

    M&A adds $1bn to ASI’s $6.3bn property portfolio

  • Allianz asset managers post 3.7% operating profit growth

    15 February 2019

    But P&C performance was the main driver of €11.5bn group operating profits in 2018

  • Hard Brexit risks leaving UK insurers on a 'capital cliff edge'

    12 February 2019

    As a no-deal Brexit hovers over the financial industry like the sword of Damocles, sovereign holdings could be a bigger risk for the solvency positions of UK insurers' than for their European rivals. The Association of British Insurers wants the regulator to act, and fast

  • Italian regulator calls for better property risk data

    12 February 2019

    Poor statistics make for poor risk modelling, Ivass says

  • Life profits dive on bumpy markets at Australia’s Challenger

    12 February 2019

    But affiliated managers grow assets in last half-year

  • UnipolSai unit taps into banks' bad loan portfolios

    08 February 2019

    Unipol ReC pays €130m for two portfolios worth €1.3bn