David Walker

Articles by David Walker

  • Hannover Re dips toes into listed equities in Q1

    06 May 2020

    Group expects more credit impairments in 2020 from very low Q1 levels

  • AIG Europe largely shielded from COVID-19-inspired volatility

    04 May 2020

    SFCR shows low equities, but spread exposure through heavy bond holdings

  • Insurers report $8.7bn investment losses in COVID-19 infected Q1

    04 May 2020

    Reported damage still coming as many European, US insurers expected to report this month

  • Helvetia credits equities hedging for stemming falls on SST ratio

    30 April 2020

    Costs of hedging has led to rotation out of US Treasuries

  • Ethias pulls dividend amid markets' "rollercoaster ride"

    30 April 2020

    Belgian warns of continuing volatility until exit from health crisis appears

  • Swiss Re posts $300m Q1 investment loss but hedging helps

    30 April 2020

    Impairments kept to $20m

  • Liberty Mutual hands Luxembourg arm $500m of pocket money

    30 April 2020

    Capital flows in as US group expects investments to bear brunt of COVID-19 in Q1

  • Varma keeps losses to 10% in torrid Q1 as market liquidity vaporises

    29 April 2020

    Finnish insurer not collecting rent from some tenants for two months

  • Société Générale insurer raises €200m capital after investment volatility hits

    29 April 2020

    Underwriter cited equity- and credit spread-risks in SFCR

  • Scor posts 3.1% Q1 investment result in volatile market

    29 April 2020

    Insurer plans more derisking after healthy investment outcome