David Walker

Articles by David Walker

  • Generali seeks external partners in €3.5bn push for economic reconstruction

    24 February 2021

    Italian insurer's injections will go into socially useful economic activities across Europe

  • Oslo Pensjonsforsikring praises low-carbon equities investing

    24 February 2021

    CEO plans reducing footprint further in 2021

  • Scor boosting corporate bond holdings as reinvestment yield languishes

    24 February 2021

    Total returns fall from 3% to 2.8% during 2020

  • Versicherungskammer Bayern buys into property manager

    23 February 2021

    Bavarian insurer says co-operation will help fuel general account

  • Aviva Investors set to lose French assets from €3.2bn M&A

    23 February 2021

    UK insurer to sell its French insurance and asset management operations

  • Poste Vita aims for internal model and less volatile solvency ratio

    22 February 2021

    Focus on more diverse investments as solvency ratio veers between extremes

  • Chart of the week: where to take risk, investments or underwriting?

    19 February 2021
  • Swiss Re sees investment return fall, and warns of worse to come

    19 February 2021

    Avoided many 'fallen angels' and impairments

  • QBE looks to underwriting as investment yields fall further

    19 February 2021

    Re-risking general account not on agenda, CFO says

  • Allianz's asset managers are only part of group to grow operating profits in 2020

    19 February 2021

    External and total assets both sit at record high