David Walker

Articles by David Walker

  • Chart of the week - Why the MA matters...

    03 May 2021

    ...and not just to insurers

  • PRA warns life firms over illiquid assets as MA hits £335bn

    30 April 2021

    Life firms wanting new asset classes must expect "challenge" from UK insurance regulator

  • Equities and hedge funds inspire Varma's best quarterly result

    29 April 2021

    Investments made 6%, led by private equity

  • NNIP's greatest challenge lies ahead as NN mulls "strategic options"

    28 April 2021

    Breadth of offering may come in handy for NN's affiliate

  • UK lifers reveal more about their matching adjustment investments

    27 April 2021

    And where solvency ratios would go, without the MA

  • The Famous Five - How CIOs trumped underwriters, again, at Lloyd's

    26 April 2021

    If you want to know when the underwriters at Lloyd's last beat its investors, cast your mind (all the way) back to 2015. The bad luck of Lloyd's underwriters is clear. The good run of its investors is largely to plan, David Walker finds.

  • Axa commits €2bn to COVID loan fund for SMEs

    26 April 2021

    French insurer reveal their support in 2020 solvency and financial condition reports

  • COMMENT: German fixed income - a love affair turned sour, or about to?

    23 April 2021

    What keeps German insurers' CIOs awake at night

  • Chart of the week: Why cross-sectional GA analysis matters...

    23 April 2021

    ...and not just for BaFin's Dr Frank Grund

  • German life insurer seeking fresh infrastructure and PE funds

    22 April 2021

    VPV made initial investments in classes using Spezialfonds last year