David Walker

Articles by David Walker

  • German travel insurers find 2020 anything but plain sailing

    15 June 2021

    Dividend cuts and low yields do the damage

  • COMMENT: Infrastructure boosted by its own G7 injection

    14 June 2021

    Joe Biden clears insurer CIOs' path to sustainable EM infrastructure

  • PIC buys Spanish solar parks to fill public bond vacuum

    14 June 2021

    Senior secured debt funding made for £175m

  • Covéa agrees not to vote against Scor ballots as part of peace deal

    11 June 2021

    French mutual insurer holds 8.4% of reinsurer's shares

  • When actuarial science gets political

    10 June 2021

    German insurers warn EU policy makers not to try and fix what is not broken in Solvency II, they also advise against politicising the rules which would lead to a skewed version of risk. David Walker reports

  • Chart of the week - Where Europe's health insurers invest

    10 June 2021
  • 'Significant shunt' in inflation on the cards, Signal Iduna warns

    09 June 2021

    Mid-tier German insurers reveal fall in yields - and how to beat it

  • German life firms reveal which investments got sold to feed ZZR

    07 June 2021

    But Allianz Leben says the reserve aids systemic sustainability

  • Bank of England warns insurers of ignoring climate in corporate bond investments

    04 June 2021

    Blindly replicating market no longer "truly market-neutral" given climate change, says governor

  • COMMENT: Hedge fund activists - new, unlikely allies in insurers' climate fight?

    04 June 2021

    Patient insurers and agitating activists once sat at opposite ends of the shareholding spectrum. Climate change might be changing that.