David Walker

Articles by David Walker

  • China's rated insurers largely clear of Evergrande, says Fitch

    28 September 2021

    C-ROSS Phase II capital charges expected to dampen investment risk-taking

  • Italy's BTP-dynamite turns to kryptonite in CIOs' very hands, in Q1

    24 September 2021

    Yields falling in general accounts helps Italians' average solvency ratio fly

  • Generali bets on regulator stepping in over Evergrande

    24 September 2021

    To prevent cross-border damage from property developer fallout

  • Jörg Asmussen tells IAR 'green charges' not good for financial stability

    23 September 2021

    GDV head adds that green investments "not without risk"

  • European Commission proposes EIOPA review case for 'green' capital charges

    22 September 2021

    EIOPA will have until 2023 to report back

  • Budapest court backs veto on M&A between VIG and Aegon

    21 September 2021

    VIG plans appealing the latest ruling

  • Generali announces takeover bid for Cattolica

    17 September 2021

    Deal would create €410bn general account, regulator gives green light

  • Low SII mortgage capital charge leads BNP Paribas AM to buy Dutch rival

    16 September 2021

    M&A comes amid growing CIO interest in Dutch mortgages

  • COMMENT: 'Are you prepared?' Reflections on the path to net zero

    15 September 2021

    As Insurance Asset Risk's Net Zero season comes to an end, the real-world challenge is only beginning

  • BTP volatility led Talanx to inject capital as Italian unit's solvency swayed

    15 September 2021

    CRO Gerhard Stahl tells of the challenge of systemic risks