David Walker

Articles by David Walker

  • Jean-Pierre Valenghi to lead property investing at Baloise

    09 November 2021

    Swiss insurer has portfolio worth CHF 9bn

  • COMMENT - CIOs want to see the fine print for infra

    08 November 2021

    Politicians wield fine words about financing infrastructure - of course, because it's not their money on the line

  • Axa IM revenues top €1bn in "another very good quarter"

    05 November 2021

    Europe's majors report few investment hiccups in nine-month results

  • APAC reinsurers unlikely to return to profit by investing, S&P Global says

    04 November 2021

    Ratings agency data shows insuring lost money each year since 2018

  • Munich Re tells governments - give us transition roadmaps to invest by

    03 November 2021

    Almost no country has concrete paths to provide insurers and financiers investment certainty

  • Finnish insurer Varma makes 95% of hedge investments sustainable

    02 November 2021

    Private equity blazes to 40% return by Q3

  • Covéa promises outsourcing to continue after Partner Re M&A

    02 November 2021

    French/Bermudian tie-up already eats into financial results at Covéa

  • Mark Carney borrows from Greta Thunberg's 'Blah Blah Blah' speech in call to action

    01 November 2021

    Former BoE governor says: judge insurers by actions, not words, on net-zero

  • GSAM commits to Ping An's private equity fund

    29 October 2021

    Chinese insurer keeps China Fortune impairment steady in Q3

  • Chart of the week - Peripheral pain in Spain...

    29 October 2021

    Spaniards may have risk-taking in their blood - as even the country's smallest insurers show...