David Walker

Articles by David Walker

  • Russian insurers get relief for capital calculations as investments nosedive

    01 March 2022

    Losses pressure sector's capital base, S&P Global says

  • Swiss Re reveals heavy ETF usage in annual results

    25 February 2022

    Equities and alternatives income quadrupled in 2021

  • Chart of the week - Westminster flings open the (UK) MA door

    25 February 2022

    Will the UK's Solvency II reform ease non-life insurers' use of the MA

  • AXA's managers generate 20% better revenues in 2021, as 'alts' star again.

    24 February 2022

    Russia exposure under €400m, partially thanks to ESG assessment

  • Generali calls for "calm blood" and careful selection

    23 February 2022

    Ukraine tension still secondary to central bankers, Generali Asset & Wealth Management says

  • Fitch sees UK reform as £30bn boost to already-popular illiquids

    23 February 2022

    Expects UK lifers to increase investment risk over cutting reinsurance

  • Comment - Buying (windfarms) to the sound of gunfire

    23 February 2022

    Russia shoots itself in the pipeline, and seals Europe's climate transition

  • Comment - UK's giant leap away from Solvency II

    22 February 2022

    Government's John Glen outlines to ABI how UK will jettison Solvency II

  • UK government plans liberating 15% of lifers' capital

    22 February 2022

    More infrastructure and wider MA investing central to proposed reforms

  • Comment - Australia, a lost cause for insurers on climate transition?

    21 February 2022

    Infrastructure manager used by insurers plans buying, then shutting, coal mines early