Adam Leach

Articles by Adam Leach

  • RPI-linked gilts should be scrapped, say Lords

    18 January 2019

    Flaw in inflation-indexes methodology has led to recommendation from UK Parliament's upper house

  • Insurance and Climate Risk EMEA: riding the sustainability wave

    18 January 2019

    A panel of five investment professionals share their thoughts on how to make the most out of sustainable investments and identify the challenges that lie ahead. Compiled by Adam Leach

  • Eiopa seeks insurers views on integrating sustainable risks in Solvency II

    17 January 2019

    With particular focus on climate change and collect market practices on insurance underwriting

  • World needs to plug $18trn gap in infrastructure investment

    16 January 2019

    World Economic Forum warns that ageing power plants and bridges will need replacement amid growing threat of climate change

  • Barings launches high yield bond funds in Asia

    15 January 2019

    Massachusetts Mutual Life’s investment arm argues high yield bonds are a ‘proven asset class’

  • EIOPA to have a say on individual internal model applications

    14 January 2019

    Econ approves amendments to Eiopa's powers

  • Appointments round-up: 14 Jan 2019

    14 January 2019

    LGIM, M&G Investments and Merian Global

  • Deals round-up: 11 Jan 2019

    11 January 2019

    PIC, L&G and Aberdeen

  • Global Atlantic appoints deputy CIO

    09 January 2019

    Anup Agarwal joins insurer from Western Asset Management

  • Axa IMRA spends ¥100bn on Japanese logistics assets

    08 January 2019

    Firm forms joint-venture with ESR and acquires five assets in Greater Tokyo and one in Greater Osaka