
  • PIC invests £100m in Thames Tunnel

    16 June 2016

    Insurer capital will fund sewer development

  • L&G invests £65m to build Newcastle science park

    16 June 2016

    Part of £15bn infrastructure investment programme

  • European insurers eye sticky private credit market

    15 June 2016

    European Insurers have been building up their investment in the private credit market these past three years. Although there is room for growth in this asset class, there are currently some serious caveats which need to be borne in mind. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • Manulife Asset Management prepares major European expansion

    15 June 2016

    New fund platform and European appointments to support large-scale distribution growth

  • OMAM to acquire 60% stake in Landmark Partners

    14 June 2016

    Hastens separation of subsidiary companies

  • Prudential puts €150m into solar energy fund

    14 June 2016

    NextPower II will focus on Italian solar projects

  • SS&C launches investment management software for insurers

    13 June 2016

    Global Gateway to help insurers with analytics and reporting tasks

  • Risk margin reform needed to save insurers from hedging dilemma

    13 June 2016

    Hedging stabilises Solvency II figures at the expense of IFRS

  • Generali merges German asset manager with main European arm

    10 June 2016

    Generali wants to streamline its asset management operations

  • Columbia Threadneedle hires head of insurance solutions from Pimco

    10 June 2016

    Eugene Dimitriou to structure investment solutions for insurance clients