
  • Axa IMRA acquires €161m Dublin residential development

    13 July 2018

    As part of its Irish PRS joint venture with Kennedy Wilson

  • Pan-American Life Insurance Group’s CIO retires

    12 July 2018

    Rudy Revuelta leaves the US insurer after 40 years of service

  • Italian insurer invests in ASR real estate fund

    12 July 2018

    Invested in 12 properties with a combined value of approximately €600m

  • Prince of Wales says insurers need to step up on sustainability

    11 July 2018

    Events organised by the Prince of Wales can't be publicised, so it was a running joke among the attendees of his finance leaders' summit at St James Palace to ask how one had heard about the event. Surrounded by tapestries, art works, swords and powder guns hanging from the walls, 70 finance leaders were asked to commit to concrete actions to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement. Vincent Huck got a glimpse through the door.

  • Aviva Investors expands global responsible investment team

    11 July 2018

    Three new hires join the team

  • US commercial real estate: danger in disguise?

    10 July 2018

    US life insurers are big investors in commercial real estate attracted by the yield and diversification benefits they offer. But with strong indicators of the current credit cycle nearing its end, the risks attached to the sector are growing. Is it still safe to go into those waters? By Sarfraz Thind

  • Axa IMRA acquires European data centre operator

    10 July 2018

    Acquisition was made on behalf of Axa France

  • LGIM Real Assets acquires £20.5m trade park

    10 July 2018

    Reporting a net initial yield of 5.3%

  • Fennia Life reveals 1000% return on investment

    09 July 2018

    FX hedges do (much) more than cut currency risk for Finnish underwriter

  • Japanese insurers sign up to stewardship code

    09 July 2018

    Committing to principles for responsible institutional investors