
  • PRI launches infrastructure due diligence questionnaire for investors

    05 September 2018

    Survey helps develop global standard and common language for ESG integration

  • UK Investment Association goes European

    05 September 2018

    Johannes Woelfing appointed to the newly created position of Head of European Affairs

  • Volatilità spurs Italian insurers to review portfolios

    04 September 2018

    Italy's underwriters long understood their sovereign debt was not riskless. This year's jolts only intensified their search for other investments, as David Walker reports

  • Helvetia H1 result hit by poor investment performance

    04 September 2018

    Investment income dropped by 3%

  • Markel takes 20% of ILS market with Nephila acquisition

    03 September 2018

    US insurer consolidates insurance-linked securities business

  • UN-supported PRI launches free online climate tool

    03 September 2018

    Analysing exposure to transition risk in equity and fixed income portfolios over multiple scenarios

  • Frankfurter Leben to merge asset management with private bank

    31 August 2018

    Insurer and Hauck & Aufhäuser both owned by Fosun

  • PartnerRe appoints new CIO

    31 August 2018

    Former Generali CIO Nikhil Srinivasan takes over from Andrea Casarotti

  • Chesnara H1 results benefits from with-profits fund surplus release

    31 August 2018

    UK run-off business generates £27m of capital

  • Impact investing: a new dawn

    30 August 2018

    As ESG issues are becoming mainstream finance and the concept of 'doing good' is overtaking the idea of 'doing no harm' investment opportunities are emerging with promises of financial returns for investors. Molly Wilson and Vincent Huck report