
  • Sovereign exposure partly to blame for Unipol downgrade

    24 October 2018

    Allianz SpA and Generali avoid same fate

  • Penn Mutual Asset Management aims to grow fixed income sales

    23 October 2018

    New hire Fanelli will work to increase business with insurance companies

  • Generali acquires Polish asset manager

    23 October 2018

    Union Investment TFI holds €3.3 bn of assets under management

  • Schroders takes remaining £80bn of Scottish Widows mandate

    23 October 2018

    As part of a wealth management strategic partnership agreement with Lloyds Banking Group

  • LGIM Real Assets appoints annuity transactions head

    23 October 2018

    Neil Dovey will focus on investment opportunities for long income funds

  • South Korean insurer invests in UK social housing

    22 October 2018

    DB Life Insurance largest single investor in the £75m of notes issued by Places for People Treasury

  • The evolution of real estate and real assets investment by insurers

    22 October 2018

    Low yields, compressed spreads, relative pricing advantage and regulatory incentives are key factors auguring an exponential growth of the real estate market in the coming years, Gerard-Jan van Berckel writes.

  • Mass Mutual sells Oppenheimer to Invesco for $5.7bn

    19 October 2018

    Takes 15.5% stake in Invesco

  • European asset management mandates revealed by Insurance Risk Data

    18 October 2018

    Greater transparency among EEA underwriters offer a unique glimpse into what and to whom insurers outsource their asset portfolio to, the only missing piece is the how much. David Walker reports

  • Axa IMRA acquires Luxembourg office building

    18 October 2018

    Luxembourg office market is characterised by low vacancy levels trending downwards and a lack of existing good quality office space