
  • S.A. Meacock warns of deterrents to investors in underwriting risk

    02 April 2024

    Lloyd's syndicate posted 100.8% combined ratio, from strengthening prior-year reserves, in 2023

  • Meiji Yasuda aims for JPY 800bn ESG investments by March 2027

    01 April 2024

    Recently released management plan also outlines plan to grow business overseas

  • IAR Real Assets conference: Macro risk down, but complacence risk on the rise

    01 April 2024

    Insurers discussed the current macro-economic environment and implications for investing in real assets at Insurance Asset Risk conference

  • Comment - What CIOs could learn from Japanese insurers - and Dolly Parton

    01 April 2024

    Why "5pm is the new 7pm" for knocking off at one Japanese non-lifer

  • PIC completes £510m buy-in with Next Group pension plan

    01 April 2024
  • US lifers' ratings likely safe from CRE losses, Fitch says

    29 March 2024

    Despite "material exposure" higher than European insurance sector's

  • Pension schemes accelerating time to buy-in or buy-out

    29 March 2024

    Research from L&G finds 38% of respondents planning for a bulk annuity deal over next three years

  • Planet's largest investors "absolutely" have enough financial firepower to combat, and pay for, warming climate, Swiss Re says

    29 March 2024

    Reinsurer's Moses Ojeisekhoba says climate-infrastructure benefits societies broadly, boosting yields on other local assets

  • Chart of the Week - How hiccups emerged in property risk-taking in Swiss Life's business

    29 March 2024

    Swiss Life's recent annual results showed how problematic property investments can be for insurers these days

  • RLAM launches natural capital strategy with farmland acquisition

    28 March 2024

    Joint deal with South Yorkshire Pension Authority invests £260m in 21,000 acres