
  • Allianz GI defies management at 1 out of 4 shareholder meetings

    01 March 2019

    But added rebelliousness was mainly down to extra abstentions and withheld votes

  • Pomona’s private equity niche

    28 February 2019

    Pomona Capital’s founder, Michael Granoff explains how his company has tapped into the private equity niche and how it is preparing for a potential turn in the cycle. Interview by Sarfraz Thind

  • US P&C insurers set for modest improvement in investment income

    28 February 2019

    Investment results improving on higher rates but equity volatility hurts

  • IFRS 17 conference: standard could lead to asset-derisking beyond Europe

    28 February 2019

    IASB board member tells the audience

  • UN PSI launches new ESG guide

    27 February 2019

    Calling for the homogeneous integration of ESG factors on both sides of insurers balance sheets

  • Aberdeen Standard Investments wins €500m Dutch pension fund mandate

    27 February 2019

    The five-year mandate will invest in private equity with an ESG and responsible investment focus

  • Mandatory climate change disclosures - only a question of time

    26 February 2019

    Geoff Summerhayes, board member of the Australian regulator and chair of the UNEP SIF, warns insurers of increased scrutiny from regulators

  • Policy risk top of mind for UK insurers

    26 February 2019

    Rothesay Life CFO warns at ABI annual conference

  • At the helm of Europe's giant general account

    26 February 2019

    Pascal Christory, chief investment officer at Axa Group, describes the difficult balance between centralisation and flexibility in an international group's investment strategy. Interview by David Walker

  • PGIM Real Estate increases US focus but reduces overall value of transactions

    26 February 2019

    Prudential property investment arm hot on US