
  • CFA UK launches ESG certificate

    14 May 2019

    As reported by Insurance Asset Risk in September 2018

  • Insurers share climate risk best practice in UN report

    13 May 2019

    Pilot project reveals the scenarios, models and metrics used by 20 institutional investors to assess and disclose climate risk

  • Unipol widens gap between promise and investment yield

    10 May 2019

    Italian insurer also spelled out investment plans in Q1 results

  • Where art thou risk?

    10 May 2019

    Investment leaders to discuss investment strategy in the context of emerging risk at Insurance Asset Risk EMEA 2019

  • LGIM prepares for Brexit with trio of appointments to Irish board

    10 May 2019

    Move follows transfer of powers from London to Dublin

  • Sun Life sees $52m hit from PG&E exposure

    10 May 2019

    Losses from renewable energy investments linked to bankrupt utility

  • Behavioural economist to advise Pimco on investment products

    10 May 2019

    Richard Thaler to help factor savers’ behaviour into product design

  • Generali and Poste Vita make first joint purchase

    10 May 2019

    Joint venture acquires office building in Frankfurt

  • Low bond yields produce mixed news for Europe’s insurers

    09 May 2019

    Talanx benefits from lower ZZR payments, while RSA and Swiss Life struggle

  • Länsförsäkringar exits Brazil’s Vale over Brumadinho dam disaster

    09 May 2019

    Swedish insurer is selling its shares in miner after tailings dam flood killed at least 237 people