
  • Insurers desperately look, without success, to regulators for Libor answers

    14 June 2019

    Insurers lamented lack of help from regulators to switch from Libor, at IAR 2019 European conference

  • Folksam invests €20m in Swedish EV battery factory

    13 June 2019

    The Northvolt factory in Skellefteå will enter full production in 2021

  • Bracing for the "Macau-isation" of asset management?

    13 June 2019

    Euler Hermes and Allianz chief economist address Insurance Asset Risk EMEA 219 conference

  • UK infrastructure funding gap comes from issues in converting demand into investable opportunities

    13 June 2019

    L&G’s Bucks says insurers have the ability to close the gap by proactively finding the right deals

  • Rothesay Life in $403m US home lease loan

    13 June 2019

    Transaction done via US subsidiary, Rothesay Asset Management

  • Investment and risk chiefs likely to face climate risk responsibilities

    12 June 2019

    UK insurer boards have regulatory requirement for accountability on climate risk

  • Returns are low - and going to get lower

    12 June 2019

    Panellists at Insurance Asset Risk EMEA warn of continued pressure on investment income, the outcome of US and China trade talks, and the end of the credit cycle

  • Matching adjustment benefit to European life insurers' SCR increases by 9% in 2018

    11 June 2019

    Insurance Risk Data analysis reveals some adventurousness in MA investment portfolios

  • EY publishes results of CIO survey identifying 10 trends for 2019

    11 June 2019

    Lower compensation from illiquid assets and disruptive potential of ESG among key themes

  • Japanese and German financial regulators agree to enhance cooperation

    11 June 2019

    FSA and BaFin agree to notify each other of supervisory concerns and or any action they intend to take