
  • Allianz backed infra investment trust to buy nine Indian roads

    05 July 2019

    IndInfravit to pay an estimated INR 66bn for portfolio of seven toll and two annuity roads

  • LGIM launches water, AI, and healthcare ETFs

    05 July 2019

    Legal & General Investment Management expands thematic fund range

  • KLP removes Rio Tinto and Walmart from investment blacklist

    05 July 2019

    Following on the recommendations of the Council of Ethics of the Government Pension Fund Norway

  • Axa IMRA to buy NorthStar Realty Europe

    05 July 2019

    Axa affiliate will take ownership of $1.1bn property portfolio if offer is approved by shareholders

  • Regulators' role in preventing greenwashing

    04 July 2019

    The French regulator's director for research and risk analysis Laurent Clerc explains the difficulty of acting on the climate change imperative and the challenges for the regulator to monitor 'greenwashing'. Interview by Vincent Huck

  • French regulators to monitor firms' climate-related commitments

    04 July 2019

    ACPR and AMF launch two commissions and announce a joint action protocol to tackle greenwashing

  • M&G Prudential puts with-profits PruFund at heart of new strategy

    04 July 2019

    Chief executive John Foley describes how imminent split with Prudential plc will leave M&G in a unique position

  • Aviva backed science fund closes at $250m

    04 July 2019

    Aviva Ventures backs fund advised by Cambridge University entrepreneurs and scientists

  • Video: Focus on what could happen, not what will happen

    03 July 2019

    Aviva UK CIO Ashish Dafria cautions investors against looking through a hazy crystal ball

  • Diversification and China: the keywords for the coming years

    03 July 2019

    IAR Webinar hears from Aon’s senior analyst Lucinda Downing on the key risks facing investors