
  • L&G Capital managing director of principal investing to leave the firm

    31 October 2019

    His responsibilities will be transferred to his colleagues in the business

  • Axa IMRA acquires French student accommodation operator

    31 October 2019

    Adding 2,500 beds to Axa IMRA’s 15,000 beds portfolio

  • What assets do CIOs like that CROs don’t?

    31 October 2019

    A panel of CROs and CIOs at Insurance Asset Risk Americas conference reveals the investment decisions that prove most challenging to the relationship between risk and investment teams. Vincent Huck reports

  • C-suite death assets a major risk for insurers

    30 October 2019

    ICOLI policies on senior management are opaque, source of volatility, Moody’s warns

  • Zurich France CEO calls for reducing cost of capital in SII’s risk margin

    30 October 2019

    Florence Tondu-Melique suggested five regulatory changes for European insurers

  • Watford Re reports 35% drop in investment income in Q3

    30 October 2019

    Hedge fund reinsurer hit by wider high yield spreads

  • To outsource the CIO, or not?

    29 October 2019

    While outsourced CIOs have been predominantly used in the pension space up until now, small US insurers are increasingly seeing the benefits of such a move. But insurers' needs differ widely from those of pension funds, and service providers will need to prove their worth to win mandates. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • Solvency II equity capital charges "absurd", French MoF says

    29 October 2019

    Profile of liabilities backed by equities vital in capital charge decision, Eiopa chairman replies

  • Apollo doubles stake in Athene

    28 October 2019

    Asset manager now holds 35% of insurer with $1.5bn stock acquisition

  • Solvency II treatment of interest rate risk is wrong, Eiopa’s Bernardino says

    28 October 2019

    Europe should be proud of its regulatory regime, European watchdog says at French industry event