
  • Video: Gabrielle Siry (ACPR) @ Insurance Risk & Capital 2019

    27 December 2019

    Gabrielle Siry, green finance specialist at the French regulator ACPR, on the role of regulation with regards to sustainability issues

  • Fed rate policy has likely staved off recession

    26 December 2019

    But looming risk of market silly season, says Guggenheim

  • Comment: Is AI crucial for European fixed-income investors?

    24 December 2019

    By John Taylor, co-head of European fixed income and director of global multi-sector at AllianceBernstein

  • Video: Gabriel Bernardino (Eiopa) @ Insurance Risk & Capital 2019

    24 December 2019

    Gabriel Bernardino, chair of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (Eiopa), joined InsuranceERM in London on 2 December at the Insurance Risk & Capital EMEA conference.

  • Which way is the wind blowing in Hong Kong?

    24 December 2019

    In the last few months the narrative has changed in the pearl of Asia, and it is not all down to protests. Indeed, insurers are shifting their focus on what they perceive to be the biggest challenges and opportunities. Vincent Huck reports

  • The Hartford announces coal investment policy

    23 December 2019

    It will no longer invest in firms that receive over 25% of revenue from fossil fuels

  • Derivatives exposure concentrated for US insurers

    23 December 2019

    Less than 10% of US insurers use derivatives, finds NAIC

  • US insurers continue to grow BBB exposures

    20 December 2019

    Allocation reflects reach for yield at expense of credit quality, says NAIC

  • Morgan Stanley raises $5.5bn for infrastructure fund

    20 December 2019

    North Haven III includes insurers looking for global infrastructure assets

  • ASI named investment manager for LF Woodford fund

    20 December 2019

    The fund is worth £267.6m