
  • French regulator calls for prudence in own funds management

    22 April 2020

    And predicts sharp decline in value of assets and equity for the sector

  • Italian insurance association buys rail operator

    22 April 2020

    Investment tagged as ESG friendly in the context of COVID-19 crisis

  • Switch from high-yield to US treasuries cuts Beazley loss to 1%

    22 April 2020

    Q1 low-grade credit sales left insurer with just $5m exposure by 31 March

  • Aviva weighs up risks and opportunities in high yield

    21 April 2020

    Pandemic may lead to "attractive entry point"

  • Swiss Re Corporate Solutions appoints CFO

    21 April 2020

    Matthias Grass joined reinsurer in 2013 from McKinsey & Company

  • Tryg posts DKK 980m Q1 investment loss as portfolios devalue

    21 April 2020

    Equities fall 20%, but covered bonds retain worth

  • Dialling up the asset management products in China

    21 April 2020

    New regulatory guidelines in China for insurers' asset management products could electrify the once contentious $400bn market. David Walker reports

  • Aviva Investors advocates for defensive strategy at this time

    20 April 2020

    Normal activity may not resume until early 2023 in negative scenario

  • Comment: Pastures new - ALM in today's reporting environment

    20 April 2020

    Stuart Jarvis looks at how reporting rules have developed and why they are tightening, and how insurers can approach investment decisions in the new ALM landscape.

  • French trade bodies ask firms to cancel SMEs' rents

    20 April 2020

    Cancellation of three months of rent would be automatic but would exclude charges