
  • Work on coal by no means completed, activists say

    19 June 2020

    But COVID-19 offers the right timing to start focus on oil & gas

  • Italian insurers lost 25 points from solvency ratios in Q1 amid market tumult

    19 June 2020

    Ivass points to inadequacy of volatility adjustment

  • UNEP launches industry guide to tackle sustainability risks

    19 June 2020

    Recommends implementing PRI for investment decisions and ownership practices

  • NY Life Investments launches US sustainable education academy

    18 June 2020

    Brings European sustainable investing experience to US market

  • Manulife Indonesia joins logistics assets venture fund

    18 June 2020

    The three companies have committed $93m with aim of increasing to $200m

  • Coal activists widen their scope of action to oil and gas

    18 June 2020

    Move answers a question long asked by Insurance Asset Risk

  • China - the giant no longer asleep

    17 June 2020

    Ben Deng, chief investment officer of China Pacific Insurance Group, the third largest life and P&C insurer in China, tells David Walker how the Chinese market is coping with COVID-19 disruptions, and how China will come out of it stronger.

  • Over $900bn investment opportunity in EM infrastructure, says Swiss Re

    17 June 2020

    Private funding needed to bridge gap that governments cannot supply

  • Three in ten insurance groups received negative outlook from Fitch

    17 June 2020

    COVID-19 impact on equity and sovereign bond holdings drove adverse forecast

  • Barings appoints head of Asia Pacific real estate

    17 June 2020

    John Ratcliffe will initially focus on Australia and Japan before expanding to other countries