
  • COVID-19 should not make MA users forced sellers of assets, PRA says

    08 July 2020

    The regulator says insurers are allowed to reconsider their strategies for managing these portfolios

  • Solvency II's VA mechanism too good a tool in COVID-19 times

    08 July 2020

    Often hailed as ineffective the Solvency II's volatility adjustment rules have served insurers well against the impact of COVID-19 on markets in the first half of 2020, but could it have served them too well? Stephanie Harris reports

  • Comment: SII Review - European Commission shows its hand

    08 July 2020

    By Elizabeth Gillam, head of EU government relations and public policy, Invesco

  • Dai-ichi subsidiaries invests $70m in plastic waste reduction corporate bond

    08 July 2020

    Described as first corporate bond linked to reducing plastic waste

  • Voya IM hires Tom Frost to head EMEA insurance and pension solutions

    08 July 2020

    Building on growth in US insurance asset management

  • CNP Assurances takes further steps towards coal exit

    07 July 2020

    French insurer will fully divest from coal by 2040

  • Nordic insurers invest $90.4m in SDG fund

    07 July 2020

    DWM impact fund will provide loans to low income communities and micro enterprises

  • Bermuda captive insurers' share of BBB-rated investments doubled in two years

    07 July 2020

    Regulator still confident in sector resilience

  • Allianz GI loses 58% of US insurer's pension fund in pandemic

    07 July 2020

    Blue Cross Blue Shield of Vermont hit with $40m loss, according to report

  • EU's CMU consultation puts equity capital charge under the spotlight again

    06 July 2020

    Insurance Europe again calls for review of equity charge reviving the debate over the Solvency II equity treatment and potentially setting a collision course with the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority. Vincent Huck reports