
  • ECB Bund buying puts insurers in the shade

    19 August 2020

    Bundesbank data shows Covid-19 no match for credit crunch

  • Varma joins initiative urging pharma co-operation for COVID-19

    19 August 2020

    Group's members manage €5trn of investment assets

  • Allianz Benelux transfers 4,500 mortgage loans to Monument Re

    19 August 2020

    Transfer is part of deal for closed life insurance book

  • EIOPA predicts falling asset values will dent industry capital coverage

    18 August 2020

    Authority questions if share markets recognise the reality around them

  • Danish insurers pass IMF's stress test, more severe than COVID-19

    18 August 2020

    Life sector more impacted than non-life and life unit-linked businesses

  • Assurant appoints Vadim Lipovetsky as CIO

    18 August 2020

    He served most recently as head of investment actuarial

  • Insurance Europe notes ESG definitions still sticking point in draft paper

    17 August 2020

    But welcomes ESAs' consultation on ESG disclosures

  • BaFin praises sustainability taxonomy for undermining greenwashing "ploys"

    17 August 2020

    Taxonomy is making it harder to falsely market green investment products

  • China plans non-performing loan platform for insurers' asset managers

    17 August 2020

    Banks are predicted to offload RMB 3.4trn of bad assets this year

  • 'What if?' Sensitivity tests put to the test

    17 August 2020

    European insurers provide important details on the impact of different scenarios, often negative, on their solvency coverage. This gives valuable insight and market intelligence, but work is still needed on what insurers publish, David Walker finds