IAR North America 24: Sidecars becoming increasingly attractive
16 September 2024Raises money without upsetting company narrative
IAR North America 24: Private markets open no matter what the rate environment
16 September 2024LTIFs offer a good investment opportunity
IAR North America: Private junior debt worrying, CIOs say
16 September 2024But infrastructure increasingly attractive as an investment
IAR North America 24: Expanding wars of more concern than US election result
16 September 2024Audience poll suggests worsening conflict in Ukraine and Middle East on insurer's minds
IAR North America 24: Soft landing is achievable, but...
16 September 2024... Geopolitical risk may trump economics, audience hear
IAR North America 24: NAIC aims to reduce "blind reliance" on credit rating providers
16 September 2024Regulation has to keep pace with technology, regulator adds
2024: ESG Indicators (PAIs) Reach New Data Quality Heights for Alternative Investments"
16 September 2024While discussions around "whether and how well alternative investments funds deliver Principal Adverse Impact KPIs (PAIs) via the European ESG Template (EET)" feel as if they happened just yesterday, EU Article 4 SFDR investors such as life insurers and pension funds already published their second PAI statement for 2023.
The shifting IG private credit markets in the US and the UK
William Gibbons, senior insurance investment consultant at Mercer, based in the UK and Stephanie Thomes, senior insurance investment consultant within the same firm but based in the US spoke to Insurance Asset Risk about how the US and the UK differ in their investment grade private security markets.
Amundi appoints new deputy group CIO
13 September 2024Also appoints Francesco Sandrini as CIO of Italian business
MEAG backs US fibre broadband business
13 September 2024Invests alongside InfraRed Capital Partners