
  • New Chinese bond rules will not lure CIOs to riskier holdings

    30 November 2021

    Fitch says C-ROSS, defaults and duration considerations will still dominate decisions

  • Bain Capital to take over LV's asset management on "improved terms"

    30 November 2021

    Proposal is part of Bain's planned acquisition of UK mutual insurer

  • Dai-ichi and Mitsui Sumitomo sign impact-driven financing initiative

    29 November 2021

    Alongside 19 other investors who will discuss and implement 'impact driven investment'

  • Real demand - the rise and rise of infrastructure

    29 November 2021

    From Asia to Europe, insurers are united in their desire for more infrastructure investments. Amid such unabated demand, David Walker took stock

  • MEAG acquires NZ forest pasture land

    29 November 2021

    When afforested would permanently bind 400,000 tonnes of CO2

  • Moody's Analytics launches insurer-focused software

    29 November 2021

    RiskIntegrity Investment Insight aims to help insurers manage their investment strategies

  • China's annuity insurers heading for near-10% investment return

    29 November 2021

    Chinese insurer AM body reveals annual performance since 2012

  • Japanese SMID corporates not to be missed

    29 November 2021

    Eastspring Investments makes the case for these overlooked assets

  • Allianz invests €1bn in Austrian fibre optic rollout

    26 November 2021

    Will do so via oeGIG subsidiary, one of largest network providers in Austria

  • LGIM CIO appointed chair of UK investment association investment committee

    26 November 2021

    Sonja Laud to head "one of the IA's most senior committees"