
  • MAPFRE and Swiss Life Asset Managers acquire Paris real estate

    11 April 2023

    73 Boulevard Haussmann brings the co-investment fund to €500m

  • Just Group SFCR reveals interest rate hedging losses from 2022

    11 April 2023

    Group also reveals outsourcing details for illiquids origination and due diligence

  • Proposed Dutch rent regulation lacks sustainability weighting, NN Group says

    10 April 2023

    Plans to extend rent control regulation to the mid-market might seem helpful to Dutch citizens in want of more affordable housing, but it might have a chilling effect on investments into the market, Josh Adcock reports

  • Comment: Timberland as a potential investment class in light of Solvency II

    10 April 2023

    By Stephen Addicott, manging partner, Timberland investments, Stafford Capital Partners Limited and Jegor Tokarevich, CEO, Substance Over Form Ltd.

  • Chart of the Week - Fixed Income Born Again as GA's Prodigal Son

    07 April 2023

    While the Christian world celebrates one resurrection this week, CIOs are making their own pilgrimage back to core fixed income

  • Aviva completes £400m bulk purchase annuity buy-in with Deutsche Bank (UK) Pension Scheme

    06 April 2023

    With an eye on further transactions in future

  • Vaudoise Group launches CHF 500m real estate fund

    06 April 2023

    First close in March reached CHF 130m

  • DSM and a.s.r. join forces to develop Biotech Campus Delft as "bioscience hotspot"

    06 April 2023

    Including construction of DSM global headquarters and purchase of existing buildings

  • Allianz France launches green infrastructure fund with Eiffel Investment Group

    06 April 2023

    Accessible to individual Allianz Vie life insurance customers

  • Sound Point scoops up Assured Guaranty IM in megadeal

    06 April 2023

    Alternatives firm will manage $1bn for Assured Guaranty and adds $15.2bn in assets