
  • Athene to acquire Delta Lloyd Deutschland

    15 January 2015

    Life insurer seeks entry point to German market

  • MetLife sues to reverse systemically important designation

    14 January 2015

    Insurer appeals against December 2014 decision by regulator

  • Asset managers with insurance mandates 'lulled into false sense of security', claims Citisoft

    14 January 2015

    Solvency II deadline requires data sooner than later

  • Urban opportunities open up for investors, claims Prudential Investment Management

    13 January 2015

    White paper identifies investment opportunities

  • Threadneedle hires Patrick Steiner to lead European insurance sales

    09 January 2015

    New hire to expand European insurance business

  • Dennis Klimes joins Prime Advisors to head sales and business development

    08 January 2015

    Former Morgan Stanley veteran to develop new opportunities

  • UK insurers on track for £25bn infrastructure commitment

    08 January 2015

    Andrea Leadsom says £5bn invested in last 12 months

  • Penn Mutual Life renames & revamps asset management business

    07 January 2015

    Asset Management Unit becomes Penn Mutual Asset Management

  • Asset risks hold back hedge fund insurers

    06 January 2015

    Rating agencies are the main barrier to launch

  • Cutting down the hedge: how Emir is hitting insurers

    06 January 2015

    Insurers are grappling with new EU rules which could discourage the use of derivatives at a time when they need them more than ever. Safraz Thind reports.