
  • Unrealised bond losses a barrier to insurers investing in green assets, S&P says

    01 December 2023

    Agency says it could take 20 years to rebalance portfolio into greener assets

  • Geopolitical risks at their highest, panellist at S&P conference says

    01 December 2023

    Insurance experts highlight political risks, difficulty of isolating scenario indicators and potential for impact on equities

  • Life stakeholders find reasons to sing and dance about back book deals

    11 August 2022

    Those evaluating and otherwise benefitting from back book sales - including asset managers - tell David Walker they like what they see

  • A eulogy to traditional life insurance

    14 July 2022

    Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today at the death of traditional life insurance.

  • The death of life insurance

    13 July 2022

    They were the bane of life for many CIOs, but a rich source of outsourcing for asset managers. Are traditional life policies - and their challenges for investing - now dead? David Walker investigates

  • Europe's life CIOs to trim risk-taking, predicts S&P Global Ratings

    04 July 2022

    Yields on mainstream classes now enough to satisfy some guarantees

  • Allianz sees promise, in a life of less promises

    22 April 2022

    Once, lifers gave CEOs headaches and ate up their capital. But now, David Walker finds, it's their CEOs hungry for more, in a 'capital-lite' world

  • Neither doom nor boom for European insurers in 2021

    19 November 2020

    But market volatility and credit risk will be key high-risks next year, S&P warns