
  • Comment: 'Saving democracy' may be the next ESG investment frontier for CIOs

    05 June 2024

    Underwriters are defending democratic values in words and deeds, will CIOs follow suit?

  • Comment: Will Japan's FSA succeed where hedge fund activists once failed?

    22 February 2024

    Japan's financial regulator is unpicking a web of shareholdings once decried, in vain, by a UK hedgie

  • Chart of the Week - SFCRs as EIOPA's answer to the 'Barbenheimer dilemma'

    21 July 2023

    SFCRs will tell you if market crashes hurt insurers' solvency more than pandemics - but not whether to watch Robert Oppenheimer or Margot Robbie...

  • The sun shines again on Spanish general accounts

    08 May 2023

    As fixed income yields rise, Spanish insurers' CIOs may reflect happily on their 76% weighting to fixed interest interests - and smile again, David Walker writes

  • Comment - Russian CIOs confront their own 2032 'transitional measure'

    22 February 2023

    Bank of Russia's GA write-down warnings put Frank Grund's words in Germany in the pale

  • Groupama AM identifies companies with warzone production lines for client

    03 November 2022

    One CIO sells out of 'Kremlin' as uncertainty bites

  • Insurers facing repeated margin calls on interest rate swaps, EIOPA warns

    06 July 2022

    In EEA, about 240 insurers have relevant swaps structures

  • "What if Putin blocks gas supply?" ask chief economists of Swiss Re, Munich Re and Allianz

    11 May 2022

    Every parameter of Germany's business model stands under "immense pressure" as gas threat raised

  • Insurers gear up in SFCRs for 'inflation ahead', and more war

    13 April 2022

    Inflation not so high in Germany since 1981

  • Europe's insurers on lookout for market volatility, credit spreads and inflation

    11 April 2022

    As they condemn Russia's invasion of Ukraine in their SFCRs