
  • The US insurers' take on the net-zero journey

    21 July 2022

    Net-zero is a worthy aspiration—but US insurers bemoan the lack of available data to pave the way to get there, during an Insurance Asset Risk webinar. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • Insurers want the Fed to pull back from the markets

    11 June 2021

    Pacific Life vice president "looks forward to the day when the Fed steps back"

  • Hopes low for rising interest rates

    10 June 2021

    1% Treasury bonds "not unlikely," according to Guggenheim

  • Sunny side up at Pacific Life

    07 November 2019

    Tod Nasser is in charge of Pacific Life’s $53bn fixed income portfolio. While the rest of the market appears bedevilled by change and uncertainty, he is positive for now. Indeed, looking at the liquidity situation, buoyant corporate earnings and the health of the US consumer, it certainly is not as risky a world as it was before the financial crisis. Sarfraz Thind reports