
  • Conning's Büsst on all that it takes, to be a 'good' Lloyd's AM

    04 May 2021

    Conning is Lloyd's market's most popular asset manager by engagements. Russell Büsst, Conning's chief executive and investment officer for Europe, tells David Walker about the changing face of syndicate asset management.

  • Investment leaders panel on key risks and strategic portfolio positioning

    30 October 2020

    Panel sponsored by Conning Asset Management

  • New investment risks or new assessment of risk?

    10 December 2019

    Panellists at Insurance Asset Risk's sister publication InsuranceERM's conference discuss the new types of risks they are exposed to and whether they understand those risks well. Highlights compiled by Stephanie Harris

  • IAR’s European conference: CIOs' outlook

    23 July 2019

    At Insurance Asset Risk EMEA 2019 conference, three CIOs of European insurers gave their outlook on the current environment. In the third of a three-part series, they discuss considerations in the late stage of the cycle. Compiled by Vincent Huck

  • IAR’s European conference: the CIO’s take on MA and capital models

    16 July 2019

    At Insurance Asset Risk EMEA 2019 conference, three chief investment officers (CIOs) of European insurance companies gave their outlook on the current environment. In the second of a three-part series, they discuss the matching adjustment rules and their take on capital modelling. Compiled by Vincent Huck

  • IAR’s European conference: CIO, an evolving job

    11 July 2019

    At the Insurance Asset Risk EMEA 2019 conference three chief investment officers of European insurance companies gave their outlook on the current environment. In the first of a three-part series, they discuss the evolving nature of their jobs. Compiled by Vincent Huck

  • Can investment consultants build a bridge to insurers?

    09 November 2016

    Chief investment officers tell many tales of incompetent and tactless advisors, but admit they do sometimes need help navigating the investment landscape. David Walker investigates the future of the relationship

  • Insurers tweak fixed-income approaches to be ready for rate rises

    20 August 2015

    There are still many ways to make money in fixed-income amid the uncertainty over when rates will start to tick up. Insurers are adopting varied approaches as they also get ready for the new constraints Solvency II will introduce in just over four months. David Turner reports

  • Specialist investment services in demand from insurers

    12 June 2014

    Russell Büsst, Conning's CIO Europe, discusses US muni bonds and trade finance