
  • What can the next UK government offer insurers?

    19 June 2024

    The ABI discusses the work of the Investment Delivery Forum and what the next government should do in its first 100 days to support private sector investment into 'green and good' infrastructure

  • How best to describe a stuff-up? SFCR writers confront Whitehall's gilts-storm

    01 May 2023

    Remember, remember the 23rd of September - when gilt yields exploded, without a mote of gunpowder in sight. David Walker reads how UK insurers revisited the scene in their SFCRs

  • Comment - Is the UK still a 'benchmark issuer' of green bonds?

    01 March 2023

    Net-zero investors may dream of all investments being 'green' - but for now it remains only a dream

  • BoE working group recommends regulators remove barrier to illiquid investments

    27 September 2021

    Plans supported by UK Chancellor Rishi Sunak

  • UK changes to SII would enable insurers to help the UK economy, Aviva's Blanc says

    21 January 2021

    Changes to MA and risk margin would allow for a post Brexit bounce back, she says