
  • Aviva France CIO joins French industry body

    21 March 2022

    As head of finance and investment department

  • Aviva France’s diversification journey

    07 May 2019

    Chief investment officer Philippe Taffin explains the evolution of his firm’s investment portfolio over the last six years, the relationship between the different Aviva subsidiaries and why he believes there should be a Solvency II treatment of ESG risk. Interview by Vincent Huck

  • The 'obscure' Solvency II co-investment rule

    30 April 2019

    Recent changes to co-investing rules under Solvency II have been received with mixed feelings by European insurers. Many players are even unaware there has been a development. Vincent Huck reports

  • Green bond strategies split French CIOs and CROs

    09 April 2019

    The difference in approach between insurers' risk and investment functions has been revealed at an event organised by the French institute of actuaries, in partnership with Schroders and Axa. This examined insurers' strategies to integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria. Vincent Huck reports