
  • Solving the 'cash-drag' problem

    05 July 2022

    As low rates keep hitting lifers and claims inflation bites non-lifers, managers serving them tell David Walker a review can help decide whether strategic cash can be redeployed, for a more meaningful role

  • Things might go wrong, but if we live to see another day, it's all good - GSAM's Siegel says

    22 June 2022

    Mike Siegel, Global Head of Goldman Sachs Insurance Asset Management, discusses the asset manager's annual insurance survey results, why inflation is the canary down the coalmine, and the risk of recession on the horizon.

  • Commodities not suitable for most insurance ALM

    27 May 2022

    Whilst a "core allocation" works for some investors they are too volatile for insurers, says Schroders

  • Inflation is the key concern for insurers in 2022, Goldman survey finds

    07 April 2022

    Recession is coming—but not this year, according to asset manager poll