
  • Differing reactions to EC's CMU action plan from insurance industry

    25 September 2020

    Insurance Europe positive, while BVI and Axa share their concerns

  • DG Fisma defends its Solvency II work

    25 October 2019

    Martin Merlin responds to critics at French Federation of Insurers conference

  • Commission: Solvency II charge on infrastructure corporates should be lowered

    08 June 2017

    Mid-term review of Capital Markets Union sparks criticism from Insurance Europe

  • European Commission stifles Solvency II asset charge review

    24 November 2016

    Charges still too high for "vast majority" of long-term assets, says Insurance Europe

  • UFR change would hurt future industry investment

    31 August 2016

    European insurers' €9.8trn investments would be restricted, warns Insurance Europe

  • Trade associations pull together for securitisation reform

    04 March 2016

    Political discussions derailed as MEPs link STS framework to capital treatment of sovereign bonds

  • Infrastructure charges still too high, industry says

    01 October 2015

    Insurance Europe says barriers to investment remain

  • European insurers' investments reach almost €10trn in 2014

    02 September 2015

    But high capital charges continue to threaten insurers' ability to make these important investments

  • Insurers pin hopes on 'Juncker plan' to ease infrastructure investment

    26 November 2014

    Commission relies on private investors to boost growth

  • European insurance investments up 3.2% to €8.5trn in 2013

    01 September 2014

    Solvency II threatens future investment, says Insurance Europe