
  • Folksam sets interim climate investing targets

    31 March 2021

    Swede wants more green bonds, and 29% CO2 reduction in its shares, credit and property

  • Folksam Group invests SEK 2.5bn in green bond

    20 May 2020

    Takes its total of investments in asset class to SEK 30bn

  • Folksam invests SEK 1.35bn in regional council bond and microloans

    11 May 2020

    Financing helps pensioners and developing market growth

  • Folksam Group CIO appointed deputy CEO

    14 February 2020

    Michael Kjeller takes up the role highlighting the role job of insurers in building a sustainable world

  • Folksam turns a new leaf with Baltic forest fund

    20 January 2020

    Silvestica fund offered 'good risk-adjusted return' for Swedish composite

  • Folksam to keep investing in Volvo despite cancelled flotation

    16 December 2019

    Insurer praises leadership in driverless and electric car technology

  • Folksam commits to second Nordic infrastructure fund

    12 November 2019

    Swede wants returns, and to help encourage sustainability

  • Folksam invests €20m in Swedish EV battery factory

    13 June 2019

    The Northvolt factory in Skellefteå will enter full production in 2021

  • Folksam Life cuts carbon footprint of equities holdings by a fifth

    08 May 2019

    Swedish insurer reduces exposure to carbon heavy industries as it halves the number of companies it holds shares in

  • Impact investing: a new dawn

    30 August 2018

    As ESG issues are becoming mainstream finance and the concept of 'doing good' is overtaking the idea of 'doing no harm' investment opportunities are emerging with promises of financial returns for investors. Molly Wilson and Vincent Huck report