
  • Heightened appetite for illiquid assets could come back to bite insurers

    28 June 2019

    Lower compensations from illiquid assets, disruption from ESG considerations and political uncertainty as the new norm, are the key issues on top of insurers’ CIOs’ minds, according to an EY survey. Adam Leach reports

  • Insurers' shift into private credit sparks evolution in internal rating capabilities

    04 June 2018

    With insurers showing greater appetite for private credit, authorities are keen to ensure firms are applying robust credit risk assessments – but the lack of rating agencies in the space is giving regulators and insurers a headache. Asa Gibson reports.

  • IFoA observes common practices on private credit allocation

    21 November 2017

    A working group hosted by the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) has issued guidance for insurers on investing in private credit under the constraints of Solvency II.