Private credit beats PE for insurers' appetite for the first time in GSAM survey
02 April 2024Goldman Sachs AM's latest annual insurance survey also reveals insurers' highest appetite for duration risk since the survey first ran 13 years ago
To go short or to go long? That is the question on CIOs' minds
24 April 2023Unlike previous years where CIOs focused on capital preservation and the hunt for yield, 2023 will be marked by a focus on managing volatility and the duration gap.
Chart of the Week - Fixed Income Born Again as GA's Prodigal Son
07 April 2023While the Christian world celebrates one resurrection this week, CIOs are making their own pilgrimage back to core fixed income
Optimists prevail, at last, in Goldman Sachs AM's annual insurance survey
04 April 2023As responses highlight the 'four horsemen of insurers' investing'