
  • Aviva board push CEO out

    09 October 2018

    Nearly 4% of shareholders, including Legal & General IM, had voted against Mark Wilson re-election in last AGM

  • Will businesses rise to age of authenticity?

    25 September 2018

    Aviva chief behind new sustainable initiative says treatment of planet is “stealing from the future to pay for today”

  • Aviva tells affiliate manager to find more illiquid investments

    08 March 2018

    Aviva has put finding more external business and more illiquid assets on this year's agenda for its affiliate manager, Aviva Investors.

  • Broad inflows boost Aviva's investment business

    03 August 2017

    Insurer's fund operating profit rises 45% with increased inflows across fund types

  • Climate risk: how insurers are failing to join the dots on the investment side

    12 April 2017

    The quantification of climate-related risks is strategically important for insurers in terms of underwriting and investing performance, but the industry is accused of not leveraging its underwriting expertise to benefit its asset allocation strategy. Environmental Finance's Peter Cripps reports

  • The 2017 investment agenda

    30 December 2016

    With 2016 drawing to a close, investors on behalf of insurers can look back on what was a particularly challenging year. They will be keen to steady the ship and step up investment performance in 2017. Asa Gibson reports

  • Insurers back FSB's climate risk reporting recommendations

    14 December 2016

    Disclosure should be mandatory, says Aviva's chief executive

  • Aviva calls on authorities to "play ball" on infrastructure charges

    07 November 2016

    UK insurer reveals plans to invest £10bn in asset class

  • Aviva flags 10 coal companies for divestment

    07 November 2016

    Asian firms earmarked for potential divestment after failure to engage

  • Insurers chime in on fossil fuel subsidies

    30 August 2016

    Aviva CEO warns climate change is the "mother of all risks"