
  • Swiss Life restructures in-house asset manager operations

    01 July 2021

    And hires DWS's head of insurance coverage for EMEA as its head of sales

  • A year to forget? Not if you were a shareholding CIO

    16 March 2021

    One year ago today, markets reached 'peak-panic', as the Vix index hit 82.7. David Walker re-examines insurers' general accounts to show who got hit, who got hedged, and who got shot of their shares

  • UK insurers hold most CRE debt of European peers

    29 December 2020

    But individually Dutch insurers are bigger spenders in the asset class

  • The role of ETFs in insurers' portfolios

    22 December 2020

    Insurance Asset Risk survey finds increased interest in asset class

  • Chart: EEA insurers invest five times more in USA corporates than USA govvies

    09 October 2020

    Almost 20% dip in USA equity allocations in the first quarter of 2020

  • DWS appoints head of insurance and banking for Germany

    01 October 2020

    Nestanlin Garcia to begin 1 January 2021

  • Insurers to increase allocation to ETFs, Insurance Asset Risk survey finds

    11 September 2020

    As global ETFs and ETPs reach $7trn

  • Free webinar: "Who needs two kidneys?"

    04 May 2020

    Panellists: Swiss Re' Haegeli, DWS's Fehlmann, Just Group's Bailey

  • IAR SURVEY: Insurers unprepared for COVID-19's market turbulence

    06 April 2020

    Insurance Asset Risk surveyed the industry to find out how it is rethinking asset allocation in the wake of COVID-19's impact on the economy and financial markets. Vincent Huck presents the results

  • Insurers advised to stay put with EM holdings amid COVID-19 chaos

    25 March 2020

    With lower ratings than their developed market counterparts and potential economic dependencies to oil, emerging markets are on the frontline of the COVID-19 crisis. It is raising questions for insurers' allocation to the asset class. Vincent Huck reports